Thermal Blankets Provide Immediate Energy Savings
Thermal Blankets Provide Immediate Energy Savings
Though straight runs of piping are normally insulated, in a typical steam system, radiant heat escapes from exposed valves, strainers, and steam traps, causing the loss of thermal energy. With just one Gate Valve equal to the surface area of 5 linear feet of pipe, those surface areas add up quickly, creating energy losses as high as 5%.
To prevent radiant and convective heat loss, Campbell-Sevey recommends Shannon’s INSULTECH Thermal Blanket Insulation. INSULTECH is a high quality removable / reusable, self-contained insulation system, custom fit to form around steam equipment that provides immediate energy savings.
Because of its excellent ASTM tested thermal insulation performance the INSULTECH Blanket System keeps heat in, improving your steam system efficiency. At the same time it prevents heat from escaping so it lowers the ambient temperature in mechanical rooms, tunnels and general work areas, reducing your cooling costs.
Above image shows heat loss surrounding Y Strainer before and after being wrapped by INSULTECH Thermal Blanket.
To learn more watch the video above then contact the team at Campbell-Sevey can make your system more efficient.