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A Total Eclipse for the Fun
A Total Eclipse for the Fun
There is nothing like a solar eclipse to get the Campbell-Sevey team out of our offices . . . and staring up at the clouds.
Because the last total solar eclipse in the US happened in 1979, last Monday the team was excited to see one of nature’s most awe inspiring events. With Charlie Thomas in Missouri, his daughter Lucy in Oregon, Brian Ross flying over Seattle, and the rest of the crew in Minnetonka everyone waited for the moon to block out the sun. While the results were mixed for some, as shown in the images below, we all had a lot of fun with it.
Are you curious to know when the next total eclipse is going to be? Check out this site ( which features a map of all future solar eclipses for the next century. Next up for the US, April 8, 2024!
A glimpse of the eclipse from behind the clouds in Minnetonka.
With a break in the Missouri rain, Charlie with family and friends hoping for a break in the clouds to see the eclipse, which didn’t happen.
However it did get dark enough during total totality to break out the glow sticks! Yes, it really did get that dark.
Here’s a view of Seattle from the plane Brian was on during their peak eclipse. They had 92% solar coverage (or, technically, obscuration).
The real winner was Charlie’s daughter Lucy, who is working at a camp in Oregon.
Here is her image during total totality which captures the sun’s corona, visible to us only during a total eclipse.
Lucy and many of the campers poolside in Oregon awaiting the total eclipse of the sun. It was an event they’ll remember for a lifetime.