Why do we surface blowdown? A. To remove the dissolved solids that have concentrated in the boiler due to evaporation B. To remove condensate as rapidly as possible to eliminate water hammer C. To increase the pressure of hot water and heat to generate increased flash steam D. To reduce the heat of vaporization of water molecules before they convert to steam The answer… A. To remove the dissolved solids that have concentrated in the boiler due to evaporation How Does Blowdown Affect the Plant? Too Much Blowdown
- Increased fuel costs
- Increased water costs
- Increased chemical costs
- Foaming
- Priming
- Corrosion
- Scale
- Blowdown is 5-10% of boiler capacity
- Recovery systems can capture steam that would normally be vented
- Pre-heat make up water
- Reduces water usage to cool the blow down prior to the drain
Test Your Knowledge: Boiler Blowdown