New Quote Links Give Instant Access to Product Info

“That built-in link is a slick feature. Nobody else has that.” – Michael Carnis, long time customer   New Quote Links Give  Instant Access to Product Info Many of you know that our CS Knowledge Center ( is an incredible database unlike anything in the industry. It features nearly every product we carry along with spec sheets, drawings, brochures and videos. Now Campbell-Sevey is integrating that database within our quotes. All of Campbell-Sevey’s electronic quotes now feature a product link that goes directly to the product on the website. That product page includes the full description of the product along with a “download center” with all pertinent documents. “Under normal circumstances a Vendor would have to send a separate attachment with a cut sheet,” says Michael Carnis, a sales rep for MRC Global. “Campbell-Sevey is the only Vendor that I have seen with that unique feature on their quotes. Very innovative!” To use, simply click on the blue item number on the quote sheet and you get instant access to all the additional information you may need. The best way to see how well it works it to contact Campbell-Sevey for a quote. Our non-commissioned sales team will be happy to access your needs and determine the correct parts you require. Then we’ll send you a quote that makes it easy for you to ensure you are getting the products you expect.  
New Quote Links Give Instant Access to Product Info