Webster Combustion
Campbell-Sevey teams up with Webster Combustion as they are a leading manufacturer of custom and semi-custom multi-fuel boiler burners for the commercial, institutional and industrial markets.

Webster Combustion Burners
Webster’s high efficiency, low excess air burners incorporate a unique high swirl firing head to improve commercial boiler combustion efficiency. Coupled with a highly efficient in-line combustion air fan which provides superior mixing of the fuel and air, the burners require lower boiler horsepower, therefore using less fuel and electricity than conventional burners. The combination allows the burner to operate with low excess air across a large operating range resulting in significant energy savings with short payback.
TEMP-A-TRIM® Air Density Trim System Saves Money
Webster Combustion’s patented TEMP-A-TRIM® air density trim system senses combustion air temperature and automatically varies the fan speed to create a constant mass air flow for combustion. By maintaining optimum fuel/air ratios, TEMP-A-TRIM® ensures maximum burner efficiency. As a result, TEMP-A-TRIM® pays for itself in the following ways:
- Up to 3% savings on fuel bills
- Up to 30% savings on electrical bills
- Up to 2% in boiler efficiency gains
- Reduced maintenance costs
- Reduces the need for seasonal burner tuning
- Feed-forward control for accurate operation
- Easy to install with no special set-up required
- Compatible with linkage or linkageless controls
- Precisely corrects for changes in air density to automatically optimize combustion efficiency

The air temperature in a typical boiler room can change dramatically, causing significant combustion inefficiencies and degrade stability, driving up the cost of fuel and utilities. Temp-A-Trim® resolves that automatically!
FDR Series Multi-Fuel Windbox Register Burners
The FDR Forced Draft Register burner is a highly efficient combustion system that combines a windbox, air register, ignitor assembly, fuel train, flame safety control, combustion control and forced draft blower all assembled into one complete package.
- 30 ppm NOx
- Single or multi-fuel models – NG, LP, coke oven, refinery and low BTU gases; fuel oils from diesel to No. 6 oil
- 10:1 turndown
- Works in standard conditions as well as contaminated fuel and high combustion air temperature
Webster’s highly efficient, safe and reliable package burner systems can burn multiple fuels while keeping operating costs low.
JBS(X) Series
High Swirl burners that reduce emissions while providing higher turndowns. Offer industry-leading combustion efficiency with low excess air.- 40 to 400 BHP design for watertube and firetube boilers
- High turndown, low NOx options
- UL listed
JBE(X) Series
A high efficiency, low excess air burner with a high swirl firing head to improve commercial boiler combustion efficiency.- Achieves boiler horsepower ratings in the 200 to 1,750 BHP range, using less fuel and electricity than conventional burners.
- Low horsepower blower motor
HDS(X) Series
Offers improved emission performance and higher turndowns (12:1 on natural gas). Uses a unique housing with low excess air requirements and high swirl firing head to provide great fuel/air mixing and superior combustion performance.- The HDS can be configured as an HDSX where low NOx is required.
- 200 to 1500 BHP design for firetube and watertube boilers
- High turndown, low NOx options
- UL listed
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SC Series Low NOx
Combines reliable and rugged burner technology with a new, staged-combustion firing head.- Can achieve 30ppm NOx levels while maintaining a very low O2
- No External Flue Gas Recirculation (FGR) Required
- NOx levels as low as 9ppm on Gas and 60ppm on No. 2 Oil
- Fire multiple fuels – Natural or LP Gas, No. 2 Oil
JBFX Series Low NOx
Offers advanced NOx compliance using patented TEMP-ATRIM® air density trim system.- Uses a metallic alloy fiber material combustion element over a stainless steel frame
- No FGR for fast installation
- UL listed
HDRMB Series Ultra Low NOx
Proven in hundreds of ultra low NOx applications. Provides emissions as low as ppm NOx and 50 ppm CO. The perfect burner for any ultra low NOx application.- 125 to 2500 BHP design for watertube and firetube boilers
- Ultra low NOx levels < 9 ppm on gas and < 40 ppm on amber oil
- Proven rapid mix burner technology
Webster Burner Systems Features:
Webster Combustion combines proprietary control technology with proven combustion performance to reduce your energy costs and emissions. Our proven systems offer multiple fuel flexibility, high efficiency, low emissions, and high turndown burners for new applications or retrofit of existing installations.
- Dual fuel / multi-fuel capability
- Linkage or linkageless controls
- Conversion door kits for boilers
- Webster’s TEMP-A-TRIM® air density trim control system
- Alternative fuels / waste fuels
- Oil pump sets
- UL listed control panels
Campbell-Sevey is always there when you need us. Contact us today to speak with our experienced and friendly team.